Support for Mothers

The Church applauds the choice to be a mother and encourages mothers’ “daily heroism” – “the silent but effective and eloquent witness of all those ‘brave mothers who devote themselves to their own families without reserve.’” Gospel of Life  ¶ 86.

Create a Mothers Group.

Form a social group for mothers and their young children to gather and support one another during the day.  Advertise in the Sunday bulletin and with fliers at the Sunday nursery, in the cry room in the Church, and at CCD classes.  Ask mothers to each bring a snack and a toy or two.  Provide a time, a safe space for children to play, name tags for moms, some comfortable chairs, and coffee.  If possible, invite a few high school or college students to volunteer to help watch the children while the mothers socialize.  If mothers are interested, suggest a weekly topic for discussion or debate (politics, religion, social issues, or mom topics).

Start a chapter of the Elizabeth Ministry.

This is a woman-to-woman, pro-family, parish-based ministry that celebrates each new life and offers support to women through their pregnancies through visits, prayer, and resources. It is based on the example of Mary visiting her cousin Elizabeth to help her through her pregnancy.

“During those days Mary set out and traveled to the hill country in haste to a town of Judah, where she entered the house of Zechariah and greeted Elizabeth. When Elizabeth heard Mary’s greeting, the infant leaped in her womb, and Elizabeth, filled with the holy Spirit, cried out in a loud voice and said, ‘Most blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb.’” Luke 1, 39-42.

Nearly 700 chapters in churches around the world connect women for prayer, affirmation and encouragement.

Resources are available to offer assistance in many crisis situations also.

Manuals, guidance, and materials are available to help women begin this ministry in their parish.

For information, see Elizabeth Ministry.

Coordinate Babysitting for Single Mothers.

Connect homemakers or others willing to provide low-cost or free baby-sitting for single mothers while they finish school. Advertise in bulletin or make an announcement after Mass seeking babysitters and women in need. Check with local or sponsored pregnancy center to see if there are women with this need. Ensure that the ministry is not directly sponsored by or coordinated through the parish (for liability purposes). Simply keep a running list of available sitters and women in need and ask the volunteers to contact the women.

Respect Life

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