Life is Beautiful

Mass & Reception • January 2021


Life is Beautiful: Celebrating Life Across Generations

Life is Beautiful Mass & Reception is the Archdiocese of Baltimore’s Annual Respect Life Mass. So that parishes can better celebrate Respect Life Month locally in October, the Archdiocesan Life is Beautiful takes place annually the Sunday prior to the national March for Life. At the Mass, celebrated by the Most Rev. William E. Lori, two awardees are recognized for their outstanding pro-life work and witness with the Life is Beautiful and Culture of Life Medal of Honor awards. Pilgrims to the March for Life receive an episcopal blessing at the end of the Mass. A reception follows, where our guest speaker will give a dynamic talk while our guest enjoy a meal with family and friends. 


The Life is Beautiful Mass will take place at TBD. The Most Rev. William E. Lori, Archbishop of Baltimore, will be the homilist and celebrant. Mass will begin at TBD with a rose procession, followed by a complimentary lunch reception. 

So that we can adequately plan for our luncheon, please RSVP by clicking on the button below. 


Archbishop William E. Lori
Archbishop of Baltimore

Homilist and Celebrant

Special Guest Speakers TBD


Recipient of the Culture of Life Medal of Honor Award

Recipients of the Life is Beautiful award


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Make sure to RSVP here

So that we can adequately plan for the luncheon, please RSVP by clicking on the button below.
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