Resident Faculties

In order to be granted faculties to minister in the Archdiocese and for our office to be in compliance with the policies of the Archdiocese of Baltimore, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, Conference of Major Superiors of Men, Leadership Conference of Women Religious, and Council of Major Superiors of Women Religious, the following items will need to be completed:


Child and Youth Protection Training, i.e., VIRTUS on-line at: Please register under “Catholic Center – Office of the Archbishop (Baltimore).”  It is very important to register under the Office of Archbishop. Once you have completed VIRTUS, please print out the certificates for Protecting God’s Children for Adults and Sexual Harassment, and then submit to our office with the other required forms. In order to maintain your faculties in the Archdiocese of Baltimore, you will be asked to complete a refresher training on an annual basis.


Fingerprinting:  Utilize the LIVESCAN Pre-registration Application and privacy rights form. Please complete the top portion of the application and take it with you when you go to be fingerprinted at a location in Maryland. You will have to pay out-of-pocket for this service. Please submit the receipt and a completed W9 form to Shuantae McCray, Office of Clergy Personnel, for reimbursement. The Agency Authorization number listed on the Pre-Registration Application ensures that the results are sent to the Archdiocese of Baltimore. If there is any question, however, you may advise the fingerprinting technician to send results to:

Regina McCurdy

Archdiocese of Baltimore

320 Cathedral St.

Baltimore, MD  21201


Please click on the following link for fingerprinting locations in Maryland:


Fill out the Information Form.


Submit a color photocopy of your government issued Driver’s License and/or Passport to our office at


Receipt of an original signed, stamped Testimonial of Suitability from your Diocese/Religious Order using the Archdiocese of Baltimore template (attached). This document is required by our Chancery Office, and should be printed on your Diocese/Religious Order letterhead. Please be sure that each of the statements on the Testimonial of Suitability is initialed, not checked.


To expedite this process, please scan and email the completed VIRTUS certificates, Information Form, and Testimonial of Suitability to along with a copy of your ID.  The original documents should be mailed to:

Archdiocese of Baltimore

               Office of Clergy Personnel

               320 Cathedral Street

               Baltimore, MD  21201


Links to additional resources:

FBI(CJIS) Applicant privacy Rights Notification

Information Form


VIRTUS Instructions

Priest Suitability Form UPDATED 01122022P

W9 Form

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