Remembering Father Shaum

The late Father David Shaum’s impact on the church (CR, Oct. 13) is far wider than the Mount St. Mary’s University community. During his time in Emmitsburg, he assisted at many parishes in Frederick, Washington and Carroll County, as well as in parishes in Pennsylvania along its border with Maryland.

Here at St. Anthony Shrine/Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Father Shaum was a familiar figure to our daily Mass attendees as well as the weekend assemblies. Of our approximately 40 Masses monthly, Father Shaum presided at 12-14 of them as well as hearing confessions, anointing the sick, and presiding at funerals including the weekend before he returned to the Lord. He still would lead the congregation in sung responses and hymns when he felt it was appropriate. His ministry and friendship to our parishes will be greatly missed.

Anderson is the pastoral life director of Our Lady of Mount Carmel/St. Anthony Shrine Parishes in Emmitsburg.

Catholic Review

The Catholic Review is the official publication of the Archdiocese of Baltimore.

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