I have been a member of Regnum Christi for 5 years, and feel that another side must be presented in response to “Archbishop raises concerns over Legion” (CR, Feb. 26).
We are not “a cult of personality focused on Father Maciel.” God gave us all free will to choose what is right in his eyes, not Father Maciel’s. No one has “gained full control of our behavior, of all the information that we receive, our thinking or our emotions” but the Lord. People have left the Regnum Christi movement freely because of their own God-given free will and I have never heard of any of them needing “deprogramming.”
I myself know that I am a better Catholic, more reverent and filled with deeper faith because of Regnum Christi. I have become much more involved in my parish in several ministries because I love my parish and its priests even more now that I am a member of Regnum Christi. My charitable donations to my parish have increased as well as the time my family spends in prayer before the Blessed Sacrament.
For me there has not been a down side to Regnum Christi. Only good has come out of my association with it as well as all those I know in the Legionaries of Christ.