Pastoral Staff Day 2020

When fires reach maximum overload, they die out. Constant activity on top of dwindling resources can smother the fire of our faith. How do we feed that fire? How do we move from an administrative ministry model to an evangelical, missionary model that sets people on fire for Christ? With humor and insight, Julianne will inspire us to reclaim the fire of faith to go forth and make missionary disciples today.

Reflection Questions

Part I

What difference will the Four Part Framework make in your ministry?

What do you need to STOP doing, START doing, and KEEP doing to form disciples of Jesus Christ at this time?

What is THE spiritual moment that we are called to as a Church today?

How can you bring hope, healing, and hospitality through your ministries?

Part 2

What is one thing that you will do differently today, in your personal life and in your ministry as a result of this new learning?

How can you create a culture of mission in your parish at this time?

What specific actions will you undertake in your parish to move this mission forward?

How might you use the MTTP to move into a culture of mission?


Julianne Stanz is the Director of Parish Life and Evangelization for the Diocese of Green Bay and a consultant to the USCCB Committee on Evangelization and Catechesis. She is the author of Developing Disciples of Christ and Start with Jesus (Loyola Press). She lives by Lake Michigan and loves searching for beach glass with her husband and three children.

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PART TWO | FEB 10, 2021

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