Director of youth and young adult ministry for the Archdiocese of Baltimore
“Jesus Christ, you are my life. You are my life, Alleluia.”
Only the Church can do this. Only the Church can gather the world, raising banners from every nation to sing these words to God. Only the Church can draw from every race, every nation, every culture.
“Jesus Christ, you are my life. You are my life, Alleluia.”
Which is to say only Jesus can do this. Only He draws the wealthy and the poor, the strong and the lame. Only He beckons us to come with a call that demands us respond. Only He puts the desire so deep in our hearts that we cross oceans and lands to hear what word He would have for us here and now.
“Jesus Christ, you are my life. You are my life, Alleluia.”
Which is to say only the Triune God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, can do this. Only God can set the vision and give us a part to play in it. Only God sees the devout husband and wife who will raise a family, the bold woman who will become a sister, the holy man who will become a priest. Only God fits those together to move the world from a state of panic and pain to peace and healing. Only God sees the million of us and each of us at the same time.
“Jesus Christ, you are my life. You are my life, Alleluia.”
We 40 pilgrims from the Archdiocese of Baltimore sang for you tonight, so that you might hear the song and be inspired, as we were. That you may know how that song goes, so when we come back we will all be able to sing it together.
Pilgrims join in song at the opening Mass for World Youth Day on July 26 in Krakow.
For a world that needs Jesus Christ as its life. For our Church that often needs Jesus to be reminded that He is our life. We sang with Poles, Argentines, Koreans and Ugandans so that when we come home we can sing with Catonsville, Highlandtown, Bradshaw and Millersville. Jesus Christ is the the life of the Church, all around the world, and Alleluia for that.

The Maryland flag flies in Krakow as pilgrims get ready for the opening Mass of World Youth Day. (Maureen Cromer/CR Staff)