I read the letters to the editor (CR, Aug. 9) complaining of the little coverage given to the “nun’s bus tour” vs. the extensive coverage given the Walk for Religious Freedom. I personally gave strong support for the walkers and wish I would have had the physical stamina to participate.
However, I think it was wise to minimize the coverage of the nun’s bus trip and the ongoing investigation of the lack of support or even contrary views the nuns have given to church teachings on masturbation, same-sex marriage, abortion, contraception and the support of Obama Care which has some very serious consequences that are being withheld intentionally or unknowingly from the American population – especially seniors such as myself.
Until the investigation is complete, there is really no need to continually applaud the social work that many nuns in America have contributed to society, but something must be missing if the average age of the nuns continues to rise and the number of vocations continues to decrease.
We knew who the walkers were by the color of their t-shirts; we couldn’t distinguish who the nuns were from the general population.
Deacon Richard W. Montalto
Deacon Montalto is a retired health insurance broker.