The archdiocesan Respect Life Office and the Division of Youth and Young Adult Ministry are jointly sponsoring a pro-life video contest for youth and young adults in the Archdiocese of Baltimore.
Young people under age 25 are encouraged to create and submit videos lasting two to three minutes that address the topic, “Why Roe v. Wade should be overturned.”
As time permits, the videos should explore such themes as whether Roe stands on solid constitutional ground, what will happen if Roe is overturned, whether people support abortion as allowed by Roe, the experience of participating in the March for Life and abortion as a human tragedy and not a political issue.
Winning entries will be linked to the Web sites of the Archdiocese of Baltimore and The Catholic Review. The winners will also receive a scholarship to attend the Right to Life Convention scheduled for July 4-5 for July in Arlington, Va. Some of the winning videos will be played at the Maryland March for Life in Annapolis on March 10.
“Kids are often energized by the March for Life in Washington,” said Linda Brenegan, archdiocesan respect life program director. “We wanted to channel that energy into some positive action and help them explore and understand the ramifications of Roe and its impact on society.”
To submit a contest entry, videos should be posted on YouTube. A link to the entry should be e-mailed to by Feb. 22.