Preach, teach and catechize


Thank God for our newly appointed Archbishop William E Lori. May he come to know us and love us as we will surely love him. May I also thank each priest and bishop – and our beloved departing Cardinal Edwin F. O’Brien – for their fidelity and devotion to their flocks.

As recent letters have shown, our Catholics have taken note that our homilies have been plain in that we seldom, if ever, hear in our homilies those issues which would inform and compel us to act “in the market square.”

Many, if not most, of our Catholics, are so badly and sadly uninformed on what the church teaches.

Sunday homilies must not be given over to political discourse, but, the church must preach, teach and catechize their flock plainly and with conviction. It must not continue to leave it to the media to “inform” us. We have only ourselves to blame for the current situation since if Catholics had known, believed and acted on their informed consciences we would not now have the scourge of limited religious freedom – with more on the horizon – that we now have.

Speak with the voice of the one, holy, Catholic and apostolic church, before we lose that right, too.


Mary Keely


Catholic Review

The Catholic Review is the official publication of the Archdiocese of Baltimore.

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