More than a year ago I wrote about Teresa. She was waiting for a heart transplant.
That in itself was a miracle since doctors had never thought her lungs would be strong enough for her to be on the transplant list. God helped her defeat those odds. (The Today Show did a story on her on Christmas Eve, the day before Teresa celebrated her sixth birthday.)
Yesterday her family got the call that a heart was available, and they headed to Philadelphia for the transplant surgery.
Teresa’s mother, Ann Bartlinski, posted this status this morning on Facebook:
Just spoke with Teresa’s amazing surgeon. She is back in her room and she is PINK for the first time in her life! Her O2 is 95. Her broken heart was very beat up and had a lot of scar tissue. Her Hero’s heart looks great. The right ventricle is REALLY struggling. This is what we feared because of her high pulmonary pressure. Please pray for her . She needs lots of prayers , she has a fever and is on nitric oxide to help the pulmonary pressure.
Here is a photo Ann posted last night as Teresa was waiting for surgery:

Please join me in praying for this sweet girl, her family, and the family that lost a beloved child yesterday. Teresa now has a new chance at life.
Updated this morning from the family blog:
Urgent please ask everyone to pray now! They are doing chest compressions her right ventricle is failing they are putting her on life support. Please pray pray pray!!!! Please share!!!!
Thank you for joining me in prayer for dear Teresa and her family. She needs a miracle.