Baltimore Faith Leaders Call for Justice, Peace and Prayer

As leaders of diverse faith communities throughout the Baltimore, we condemn unequivocally the tragic death of George Floyd, along with every unjust killing of an unarmed black man or woman at the hands of those entrusted with protecting us. Every loss of life through an act of violence tears apart our bonds as a human family, and strikes at the heart of the foundational principles that define who we are as communities of faith, and as a City, state, and nation.

We applaud and stand with all who are raising their voices in protest against this latest injustice, and the entrenched, systemic racism in our society that it reflects. We most especially applaud all those on our streets and in our communities who are refusing to join individuals – often not from our own communities – who would cause the safety of our people, neighborhoods and institutions to be torn asunder by reckless violence.

We owe our gratitude as well to the women and men in law enforcement who abide by their duty to carry out their responsibilities with compassion and justice, and who continue to risk their own lives to keep us safe.

We ask all to join us Wednesday, June 3 at 6:00 pm at an outdoor gathering at St. Vincent de Paul Church to demonstrate our commitment to justice, to healing and to peace, and to pray together for the safety and renewal of our City.

Let us take comfort in our shared dependence on the love and grace of God, and in the truths that will never fail us. In the words of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., “Nonviolence is a powerful and just weapon, which cuts without wounding and ennobles the man who wields it. It is a sword that heals.”


The prayer service will be livestreamed beginning at 6 p.m. on the Archdiocese of Baltimore’s Facebook page. Click here or below to watch.

Most Rev. William E. Lori
Archbishop of Baltimore

The Rt. Rev. Eugene Sutton
Bishop of Maryland
Episcopal Diocese of Maryland

Rev. Alvin C. Hathaway
Senior Pastor, Union Baptist Church

Rabbi Andrew Busch
Baltimore Hebrew Congregation & Baltimore Jewish Council

Imam Earl El-Amin
Muslim Community Cultural Center of Baltimore

Rev. Dr. Wanda Bynum Duckett
Baltimore Metropolitan District Superintendent
Baltimore Conference of the United Methodist Church

Bishop JL Carter, President
Minister’s Conference of Baltimore and Vicinity

Bishop Dr. Angel L. Nunez, President
Multicultural Prayer Movement

Bishop Marcus A. Johnson, Sr., Vice President
Multicultural Prayer Movement

Rev. Dellyne Hinton
President Central
Maryland Ecumenical Council

Rev. Dr. Frances “Toni” Draper
Pastor, Freedom Temple AME Zion Church
Publisher, AFRO-American Newspapers


Most Rev. Denis J. Madden, Urban Vicar
Archdiocese of Baltimore

The Rt. Rev. Robert W. Ihloff
Assisting Bishop of Maryland Episcopal Diocese of Maryland

The Rev. William Gohl, Jr., Bishop
Delaware-Maryland Synod, ELCA

Very Rev. Constantine Moralis, Presiding President
Greek Orthodox Cathedral of the Annunciation Baltimore, MD

Rev. Jacqueline E. Taylor
General Presbyter Presbytery of Baltimore, (PCUSA)

Rev. Freeman L. Palmer
Conference Minister Central Atlantic Conference (UCC)

Rev. Allen V. Harris
Regional Minister
Christian Church Capital Area (Disciples of Christ)

Gary Gillespie
Board Member
Central Maryland Ecumenical Council

Bishop Latrelle Easterling
Baltimore-Washington Conference
The United Methodist Church

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