Praise for new Review

Though a longtime reader of the Catholic Review, I am not an avid one. I routinely scan it for local news, rarely stopping to read entire articles. I take note of clergy assignments and your Question Column, and peruse the pictures. However, I rarely get hard local news or coverage of the Vatican and global church from your pages, preferring to get those from outlets ranging from Vatican Radio to the Catholic Herald in the UK.

I am happy to report that I have found nuggets that make the Catholic Review a better reference for me and my family. I have been very impressed with the new magazine format, and the January issue exceeds the first. It has a number of features I really appreciate, especially the “Remember Our Clergy” and “Monthly Readings” pages. Congratulations on your choice to feature Father Francis X. Murphy in “Our Back Pages.”

Don Henderson


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Catholic Review

The Catholic Review is the official publication of the Archdiocese of Baltimore.

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