My Facebook feed often features faces and stories of children who are waiting for families.
On Monday I read a post seeking families who would be willing to adopt an infant with Down syndrome. The parents planned to abort the child, but they had consented to give birth if an adoptive family could be found in time.
It sounded like a terribly sad situation. It was urgent and scary.
By the time I saw the post, potential adoptive families had already stepped forward. And I wasn’t surprised. Many parents of children with this need say they have filled their homes and families with joy. Some parents specifically want to raise children with Down syndrome.
Today I learned that hundreds of families from around the world had offered to parent the child. And there was a priest behind the effort, offering life and adoption as an option to a couple planning to choose abortion. That’s the kind of support we need to offer to those considering abortion. We need to help them realize there are other choices.
Yes, this is one child. There are many more children who will never be born. And there are many children—including those with Down syndrome and other special needs—who wait for families around the world.
But, when a life was in the balance, look how many people wanted to welcome this child into their families. He or she is loved and wanted and the answer to prayers. What a beautiful gesture on the part of so many to want to give a child life and love.