Pope Benedict XVI confers honorary title of Monsignor on nine Baltimore priests

Archbishop Edwin F. O’Brien, archbishop of Baltimore, announced Dec. 30 that Pope Benedict XVI has conferred the honorary title of Monsignor on the following nine priests of the Archdiocese of Baltimore:

Father Richard J. Bozzelli, pastor of Corpus Christi Church, Baltimore; Father William A. Collins Jr., associate pastor emeritus of Holy Family, Randallstown; Father Carl F. Cummings, pastor of St. Jane Frances de Chantal, Riviera Beach; Father James W. Hannon, pastor of St. Ann, Grantsville, St. Gabriel, Barton, St. Joseph, Midland, St. Michael, Frostburg and St. Peter, Westernport; Father J. Bruce Jarboe, pastor of Church of the Crucifixion, Good Shepherd, and Holy Trinity, Glen Burnie and transitioning to rector, Cathedral of Mary Our Queen, Homeland; Father Edward M. Miller, pastor of St. Bernardine, Baltimore; Father Richard J. Murphy, pastor of St. John the Evangelist, Frederick; Father Jay F. O’Connor, director of the Office of Clergy Personnel; Father. Kevin T. Schenning, pastor of St. Joseph, Fullerton.

Monsignor Collins, who retired earlier this year after working for nearly 40 years in the Metropolitan Tribunal, received the title of Prelate of Honor to His Holiness. Monsignors Bozzelli, Cummings, Hannon, Jarboe, Miller, Murphy, O’Connor, and Schenning were named Chaplains to His Holiness.

The priests were informed of the honor at a luncheon earlier today at the archbishop’s residence.

“I am grateful to the Holy Father for affirming the outstanding contributions of these fine priests, who give so much of themselves for the glory of God and the spiritual growth of his people,” Archbishop O’Brien said. “Such recognition is particularly challenging in this archdiocese, which is blessed to have so many dedicated and faithful priests serving in parishes, schools and other institutions.”

The honor of conferring the title of Monsignor is given to the Holy Father upon the recommendation of diocesan bishops to acknowledge the contributions that a priest makes to the wider church community.

The investiture ceremony will take place March 7 at 5:30 p.m. at the Cathedral of Mary Our Queen.

Continuing coverage of the new monsignors will be available at CatholicReview.org and in the Jan. 7 issue of The Catholic Review.

Catholic Review

The Catholic Review is the official publication of the Archdiocese of Baltimore.

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