Ron C. Hurt, Manager
L’Tanya Crosby, Analyst
Donna Pecoraro, Coordinator
Ministry Platform Documentation
Migration Docs
Click to add your parish to the migration schedule (coming soon!)
Preparing ParishSOFT Census Data for Migration
Preparing ParishSOFT Contribution Data for Migration
Instructional Docs
Account Management
Change Password: MP Change Password Instructions
Creating masses: Creating a Mass with Recurring Dates v1.3.docx
Households and Contacts
Add/Edit Family: Add-Edit Family.docx
Unregistering Households: Unregistering Households v1.0.docx
Deceased Persons (coming soon)
Inactivate Tool (coming soon)
Adding a sacrament: Adding a Sacrament v1.0.docx
Batch Manager: Batch Manager Tool v1.3.docx
Importing Donations: Importing into MP v1.0.docx
Give Central: Exporting From Give Central and Importing into MP v1.0.docx
Updating Give Central with MP Program Account Numbers.docx
Notifications, Emails, Messages and Templates_12-2020: (coming soon)
VIEWS: (coming soon)
End of Year: MP End of Year v1.0.docx
Recording: https://archbalt-org.zoom.us/rec/share/unnSoym18QQzhZp_Zf6P7F-IsT0RT1lv8p-MpXa_0vTCQjPkbmbwEpEVnQ1nzDQ.s-3EhSiRZmx8RguJ
Access Passcode: MM.6^t1W