Pastor’s good works disrupted

I had to read “Staying the Just Course” (CR, Nov. 3), Archbishop Edwin O’Brien’s column on the removal of the pastor from Our Lady of the Fields Church in Millersville, a second time to understand why he was removed. Even the accompanying article, “Pastor of Millersville’s Our Lady of the Fields resigns after audit,” did not help. Are we pulling the trigger too quick because the church is becoming ultra-sensitive because of the sexual abuse scandal?

We only have so many priests and to lose one without good reason leaves a bad taste in our mouth. It would seem from the article that “lack of controls and oversight” were the issues, but could this have been handled better by giving the pastor three to six months to get these problems in order. This would seem to be more prudent and forgiving to a pastor and a church known for an incredible peace and justice mission of feeding the homeless in downtown Baltimore for more than 20 years in all kinds of weather conditions. I thought we had to forgive seven times times seven times seven. Should we attempt to practice what we preach? Pastors today have it tough. When we see true pastoral activities, we should be sure that we do not disrupt God’s work.

Catholic Review

The Catholic Review is the official publication of the Archdiocese of Baltimore.

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