Pastoral Resources

Six things our parishes are doing to care for their people.
The best free resources for supporting your parish ministries.
A resource for all ages to live their faith at home.
Our team is ready and available to offer the support you need. Call or email us today.

Ministry Resources

Resources to help Catholics pray at home, participate in Mass, and deepen their faith
Resources for streaming Mass and living liturgically in the "domestic church" of home
Resources for sacramental formation, including First Eucharist and Confirmation
Resources to support your RCIA process
Resources to help families continue faith formation at home
Resources to help couples and families live their faith in challenging times
Resources to support pastoral ministry for the Hispanic community
Resources and tools to support vibrant youth ministry in the home

Pastoral Priorities

Six ways our parishes are providing pastoral care and spiritual nourishment to their communities.

Gather for Mass Online

Gather your parish community for the Sunday LITURGY by streaming Mass online. It’s easier than you might think. Learn More Here.  Directory of Online Masses * More Liturgical Resources

Open your (Virtual) Parish Doors

With parishioners at home, you can still WELCOME them to your virtual parish community. Focus your website and social media on what people need most: How to Stay Connected * Local Material SupportOnline Mass Times * Spiritual ResourcesOnline Giving

Provide Spiritual Nourishment

People need God, their parish, and one another more than ever. Help them ENCOUNTER Christ and experience his grace and mercy in the midst of their daily struggle.  Send daily video reflections. Other options: “At Home with Your Faith”Prayer ResourcesLiturgical Resources

Stay Connected

Reach out to ACCOMPANY your parishioners. Online outreach and social media are crucial to reach everyone. But personal phone calls to listen, pray, and respond to someone makes Christ present in a unique way. Learn How HereMore Ways to Stay Connected

Encourage Evangelization

Many do not have “the strength, light and consolation born of friendship with Jesus Christ” or “a community of faith to support them.” By SENDING your parishioners to share their faith and to invite others to online Mass, many can find new hope, purpose, and peace.

Promote Online Giving

Parishioners want to support their parish in this difficult time. Enable them to provide MISSION SUPPORT through online giving. It’s simple, effective, and reliable. Learn More Here.

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