Parkville parish begins 75th anniversary celebration


By Catholic Review Staff

Cardinal Edwin F. O’Brien helped St. Ursula, Parkville, gear up its 75th anniversary April 28, when he celebrated Mass at the parish that was established in 1937.

Parishioners and guests then moved across Harford Road to the St. Ursula School auditorium for a social that included Father Stephen E. Hook, pastor; former pastor Monsignor James A. Farmer; and pastor emeritus Monsignor A. Thomas Baumgartner.

They were joined by area clergy and Sister of Notre Dame de Namur Joan Kelly, principal of St. Ursula School.

The parish has scheduled other events for the anniversary year.

On June 10, after noon Mass, it will hold a picnic at nearby Double Rock Park. On Aug. 25, it will be host to a Crab Feast in its Spiritual Center, after 5 p.m. Mass. The anniversary year will culminate with Feast of St. Ursula Celebration Oct. 21, after 11 a.m. Mass in the school auditorium.

For more information, telephone 410-665-2111.

Copyright (c) May 2, 2012


Catholic Review

The Catholic Review is the official publication of the Archdiocese of Baltimore.

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