Our Lady of Hope

Our Lady of Hope - Seated parish merged with St. Rita, St. Luke, and Sacred Heart of Mary
1727 Lynch Road
Baltimore, MD 21222
Phone: (410) 284-6600
Website: https://www.olhstchurch.com/
Email: Michael.Forehand@archbalt.org

Mass Times

Sunday: 8:30 am (Our Lady of Hope), 10:00 am (St. Rita), 11:30 am (Our Lady of Hope)
Monday: 9:00 am (Our Lady of Hope)
Tuesday: 9:00 am (Our Lady of Hope)
Wednesday: 9:00 am (Our Lady of Hope)
Thursday: 9:00 am (Our Lady of Hope)
Friday: 9:00 am (Our Lady of Hope)
Saturday: 9:00 am (Our Lady of Hope), 5:00 pm (Our Lady of Hope)

Special Mass Times

Holy Day Eve: 7:30 pm


Saturday: 3:00 pm

Established 1967.

Convent: School Sisters of Notre Dame. Phone: 410-282-3800.

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