Basilica of the Assumption



Started in 1806, completed in 1821. Cathedral and Mulberry Streets. The Mother Church of Roman Catholicism in the United States, the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary is the first Metropolitan Cathedral in the United States. Cornerstone blessed by Bishop John Carroll in 1806; dedicated by Archbishop Ambrose Marechal in 1821. Designed by Benjamin Henry Latrobe (architect of the U.S. Capitol), the Basilica is considered one of the finest examples of new-classical architecture in the world.

View the videos, America’s Basilica and the Basilica Slideshow Video.

The Archbishop’s Residence

Adjoining the Basilica, 408 N. Charles Street, Baltimore, 21201.


Please call the Parish office for more information (410-547-5523).

The Basilica of the Assumption Historic Trust, Inc.

A non-profit corporation, whose purpose is “to maintain, preserve, protect, repair and restore the structure and site of the Basilica, together with its grounds and ancillary buildings to ensure that their historic and landmark character shall be preserved in trust for the enrichment of future generations of Baltimoreans.” President – Stephanie Clancy

Historic Trust Contact Information

409 Cathedral Street
Baltimore, MD 21201
Phone: 410-727-3565

Guided Tours

Contact Parish office for more information

Hours of Operation at Basilica

Monday-Friday: 7 AM to 1 PM.

Perpetual Adoration

Adoration is avail 24/7 in our Pope Saint John Paul II Adoration Chapel, located in our Undercroft.  To visit after our hours of operation or become a committed weekly Adorer, please visit our website or call the Parish office. Visit