Panel needed on parish family life, not schools

This is in regard to the Blue-Ribbon panel on Catholic Schools in the archdiocese. It is obvious that the problem we have with Catholic schools isn’t a school problem at all. It’s a family problem, or more specifically a parenting problem.

The family is the fundamental building block of the church as well as society in general, but we have largely neglected marriage as an ongoing sacrament and the family as a domestic church. It is not for lack of available material. The church is rich in material on marriage and family life. It is for lack of anyone wanting to learn more about their faith beyond what the priest says from the pulpit once a week.

Seldom if ever do I hear prayers for marriages and families from the pulpit, though I know marriages and families are in serious trouble. Seldom if ever do I hear homilies relating to the sanctity of marriage, the responsibilities of parents and the need for children to honor and respect their parents.

We need a Blue-Ribbon panel on parish family life.

Catholic Review

The Catholic Review is the official publication of the Archdiocese of Baltimore.

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