Statement of Monsignor Mark E. Brennan on his appointment as auxiliary bishop of Baltimore

I am humbled that, at this stage in my life and being simply a parish priest, I have been asked by Pope Francis to serve the good people of Baltimore as an auxiliary bishop.  It is something I never expected but I will trust in God and do my best.  I have found that God never lets us down.  As He has promised, His grace is always there for us, so I will take up my responsibilities in the Archdiocese of Baltimore with gratitude and openness to both God and the people.

It will be a pleasure to serve with Archbishop Lori, whom I have known since even before we were ordained priests, and with Bishop-elect Adam Parker, whom I have known since he was a college student at the University of Maryland.  I will ask everyone for their prayers that I may be a faithful and useful servant.

Mi nombramiento como obispo auxiliar de Baltimore es algo inesperado, especialmente en mi etapa de vida, pero lo acepto con humildad y con gratitud por la confianza que el Santo Padre, el papa Francisco, y el Arzobispo de Baltimore, su excelencia William Lori, han puesto en mí.

Con el auxilio de Dios y el apoyo de las oraciones de otros, trataré de servir al pueblo de Dios en la Arquidiócesis de Baltimore con entusiasmo y amor.

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