Third Party Use of Location Facilities Self Help and Mutual Aid Group


Informational Bulletin- Facility Use by Self Help and Mutual Aid Programs

The purpose of this informational memorandum is to encourage all locations considering or currently hosting such groups to be mindful of the nature of the relationship between the group and the location.  It emphasizes the importance of taking precautions to prevent losses and ensure a safe, secure environment for all users of location facilities.

Please review this bulletin carefully to fully understand the scope of allowing such groups to use your space.  If you have any questions or need clarifications, please send your inquiry to


Memorandum of Understanding

Self Help and Mutual Aid Group-Facility Use-MOU

If you elect to allow use of your facility, complete the following MOU and retain with your office records.  Each location that allows use of the facilities is strongly encouraged to have this agreement in place. The agreement should be signed by the chapter leader for the group using the facilities.



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