I need to know how to …
Report a claim
Submit a request to add or delete a building from our schedule of insurance
Submit a request to add or delete a vehicle from our schedule of autos. Note: a copy of the vehicle registration card is requested for our files.
Secure a replacement insurance auto identification card
Secure a copy of your locations monthly Property and Liability insurance invoice
Secure a copy of a certificate of insurance previously issued
Submit a Third Party Special Event Waiver Application
Enroll to use the risk management system Quadra
Secure a list of pre-qualified claim contractors
Find a snow removal contractor
Question: Are there guidelines for arranging carpools?
Question: I have leased office equipment and on the invoice there is a charge for Property Tax (or PPT), do I have to pay this even though we are tax exempt?
Question: What do I need to do to get a duplicate title from MVA for a vehicle owned by the parish/school?
Question: I need to renew our Food Permit and it is asking for a copy of the Worker’s Compensation Policy. Where can I get a copy of this policy?
Question: I have an out of state driver’s license but MD is now my permanent residence and I want to drive a parish vehicle on a regular basis, (ie. new hire or newly ordained priest) is this allowed?