Father Gerard Francik,
Pastor of St. Mark, Fallston
Father Francik returns to the Archdiocese of Baltimore after a few months of sabbatical studies at Rome’s Institute for Continuing Studies at The Pontifical North American College. The Calvert Hall College High School graduate served as the archdiocese’s vocations director from June 2001 until July of this year. The archdiocese created summer vocations camps and becomeapriest.org under his leadership.
Ordained in 1987, Father Francik, 50, initially served as associate pastor for St. Joseph, Cockeysville, from 1987 to 1992. He then served as associate administrator and director of the Monsignor O’Dwyer Retreat House from 1992 to 1996. He served as Mount St. Mary’s University’s campus ministry director from 1996 to 2001. His pastorate at St. Mark, effective Jan. 1, is his first.
Father Stephen Hook,
Pastor of St. Ursula, Parkville
Ordained in 2003, Father Hook is a native parishioner of Immaculate Conception in Towson. The 47-year-old priest began his ministry as associate pastor for the Catholic Community of South Baltimore’s three parishes in 2003. After three years, he was named administrator of St. Augustine parish in Williamsport and St. James mission in Boonsboro. He oversaw St. James’ transition to parish status in 2008 and was named pastor there and for St. Augustine.
He succeeds Monsignor James P. Farmer as pastor of St. Ursula. Monsignor Farmer has spent the last two months as pastor of both St. Ursula and St. John, Westminster. He transitions to full-time pastor of St. John effective Jan. 24.