New Missal offers opportunity

I’m sorry so many of our Catholic faithful feel so burdened by the upcoming changes in the Missal. We should be looking at these changes as opportunities to grow in our faith. Is there any correlation in increased Mass attendance the past 40 years using the current missal, or the singing of some of those folksy hymns? I don’t think so.

The next time you are at Sunday Mass, pay attention to how fast some people blow through the Nicene Creed. I for one, usually lag behind the rest of the congregation on praying most of the prayers at Mass because so many people seem to be in such a hurry. As someone mentioned a few weeks ago, changing the words to the Creed and other prayers hopefully will cause people to think about what they are saying .

As a final thought, instead of complaining how hard it is going to be to learn the new prayers, how about turning off the TV and logging off the Internet for a spell, and instead study the new words to the prayers.

Catholic Review

The Catholic Review is the official publication of the Archdiocese of Baltimore.

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