New God is in the Clouds feature: This week in Church History

I have been a Church History buff since I was a teenager. Popes, saints, feast days, bishops, canonizations, and so much more, I was ready to see how all the pieces fit into the “Big Picture” of our universal Church.
Starting this week, I will take a look at historic names, dates, and events each week, along with photos and links to more information.
Looking back on some of the historic events that took place over the past week:

October 15: 

This date marks the annual celebration of Founders Day for the Congregation of the Sisters of Saint Joseph. 


October 16: 
37 years ago on this date, Pope John Paul II was elected the 264th leader of the Catholic Church. 
Check out 10 interesting facts about the conclave and his election in last week’s tribute in God is in the Clouds: 

(CNS File Photo)

October 17:
October 17 was the 103rd anniversary of the 1912 birth of Albino Luciani in Belluno, Venuto, Italy. He became Pope John Paul I during the first conclave of 1978.

October 19:

Pope Paul VI was beatified last year on this date. He served the Church as Holy Father from 1963 until his death in 1978.
Enjoy my 2014 photoblog which includes interesting stories on this first Holy Father to ride on an airplane, as well as his near-assassination in the Philippines in 1970:

Photo: Arturo Mari

October 19: 
On this date in 2003, Mother Teresa of Calcutta was beatified by Pope John Paul II.
CNS Photo

For further info, Mother Teresa of Calcutta Center in California has much more about the process of beatification and canonization, about miracles and her September 5 feast day, and the two prayers for Blessed Mother Teresa’s intercession on their website

October 20: 
On this date in 1946, Pope John Paul II was ordained a deacon by Cardinal Adam Stefan Sapieha, Archbishop of Kraków. 
His ordination to the priesthood would take place just 12 days later on the Solemnity of All Saints, 1946. 

Cardinal Adam Stefan Sapieha, former Archbishop of Kraków


Looking ahead:
October 22:

The annual feast day of Pope St. John Paul II

October 23:

Do you remember that Pope John Paul II was supposed to visit Baltimore on this date in 1994?

That papal trip to the United States was cancelled due a fall taken by the Holy Father the previous April which resulted in a broken leg near his hip. The trip was later rescheduled for October 8, 1995.

For a look at the 1995 historic visit and some great photos, enjoy “Catholic Throwback Thursday: The 1995 visit of Pope John Paul II to Baltimore.”

Do you have a special date that you would like me to include?

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Catholic Review

The Catholic Review is the official publication of the Archdiocese of Baltimore.

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