National Day of Prayer lifts family


By Therese Wilson Favors

One of the most awesome and overwhelming actions of God is the miracle of you. The creation of you was not by happenstance, nor an aimless action. You are the result of God speaking in this world. You came into the world, at just the right time for just the right purpose. The incomparable power that God exerted in creating you is the same power God used in placing you within the family.

You were on God’s mind when he placed you into his spiritual family and surrounded you with a village of folks. God knows that we cannot navigate this world all by ourselves, so here comes the family, those related to you by blood, by faith and by experience. That’s a wide circle. God knows that the journey may have dark places and slippery corridors, so here comes Jesus, the redeemer, providing light for the journey and hope for the future.

As we travel, Jesus provides the repeated revelation that God has something for us to do. Our lives and our destiny are not just for ourselves, they are for God and his human family. If we seek our own personal agenda, then we corrupt the abundant life that God has in mind for us. Jesus can point us in the right direction. Jesus floods the path we walk with his light for a reason – to prove the message that God has something for you to do.

When the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, Jesus took up residence in our lives, within our families and in our world. And when Jesus came, he came bearing the gift we call grace and the “blessed assurance” that the gifts of the Holy Spirit will make you spiritually strong and confident in joining Jesus in his transformation project.

Jesus’s message is clear, he did not waver in filling a pair of “one and only shoes” of history – the redemption and transformation of the world. Jesus invites us into his work of redemption and transformation and urges us to put on our own “one of a kind” work shoes, fitted for a specific purpose that only you can achieve. Therefore, believe that God will accomplish and achieve something eternal and intentional with your life. God has something for you to do.

When our children and families seem to be without hope and challenges abound, reflect and pray about what God is calling you to do. God created you. In doing so, let’s remember that you are divinely designed and divinely defined; hardwired by God’s touch for such a time like this. Your creation alone is proof positive that you are integral to God’s transformation project. Understand that you have something to do for God and humankind. Achieve something eternal and intentional with your life.

Gabriel Okara, a noted Nigerian writer, says: “There are two hard things to accomplish in life; one is knowing your purpose; the other, which is harder, is not to corrupt it after knowing what your purpose is.” Now is the time to achieve your purpose. Therefore, put on your work shoes. Fix your eyes on Jesus. Cover yourself with the Word of God and lovingly take your family by the hand into the future, understanding and accepting the reality that God has something for you to do.

In fact, on Sunday, Feb. 3, join other families across the nation by celebrating the National Day of Prayer for the African American and African Family by worshiping together around the eucharistic table, enjoying a meal together and sharing thoughts about this message and family-hood.

For more information, visit

Therese Wilson Favors is the former director of the archdiocesan Office of African American Ministries. She is a parishioner of St. Cecilia, Baltimore.

Copyright (c) Jan. 12, 2013

Catholic Review

The Catholic Review is the official publication of the Archdiocese of Baltimore.

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