By Catholic Review Staff
This installment of Names & Numbers includes news of major grants, the profession of first vows for a woman religious and more.

Amount donated to St. Jane Frances de Chantal Parish in Pasadena by the Knights of Columbus Monsignor Raymond P. Kelly Council 10966 Sept. 18. Richard Pryzbylski, left, and John Collins present the check to Monsignor Carl F. Cummings, the pastor, in a photo courtesy Robert Gibson Jr.
Grant to the All Saints Sisters of the Poor from the Philadelphia Foundation’s Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is fund. The sisters will direct the funds toward a sacristy for St. Gabriel’s Retreat House in Catonsville (pictured here with Sister Catherine Grace), where they host priests, religious and other groups in need of a respite from everyday life.
“Moving from a makeshift space to a real sacristy will help us to work quietly and unobtrusively, without disturbing the guests when they are meeting or praying,” said Sister Margaret Muraki, sacristan for the All Saints Sisters of the Poor.

Year the National Association of Pastoral Musicians Convention will meet in Baltimore. The co-chairs, Lynn Trapp and Berta Sabrio, pictured, directors of music and liturgy at St. Joseph in Cockeysville and St. Francis of Assisi in Fulton, respectively, were part of a local group of musicians that attended the Baltimore Chapter of the National Association of Pastoral Musicians Preview Night, a look at upcoming musical events in the Baltimore Archdiocese. Workshops, retreats and an “organ crawl” are among the opportunities; visit for more information.
Students from St. Joan of Arc School who participated in a Freedom Walk Sept. 9, part of the National Day of Service and Remembrance. Third-grader Addy Nelson, pictured above, and the entire student body were joined by faculty, staff, parents, members of the U.S. Army and Marine Corps, veterans, police and firefighters.
Students who are members of Boy Scout Troops 810 and 965 posted the colors, and principal Virginia Bahr led a patriotic program. As part of an accompanying service project, students wrote letters and colored pictures to service men and women, thanking them for their service.
Men entering the Archbishop Curley High School Hall of Fame Oct. 15 at halftime of the Friars’ Homecoming football game. Its second Hall of Fame class consists of Jim Hessenhauer ‘85 (cross country/track), Onas “Butch” Jansen ‘79 (wrestling/football), Jeremy Rallo ‘89 (track/football), and John Tucker ‘79 (lacrosse/football). To be inducted posthumously is former track and football coach Jack “Tag” Targarona will be inducted posthumously.
Partners who invited members of the West Baltimore community to receive free school supplies, health screenings, food and fun at a Community Day and Fall Festival. The Sept. 10 outreach, organized by Bon Secours Health System and neighboring churches The Tabernacle of the Lord and Central Baptist Church, promoted fellowship, partnership, healthy living and nonviolence.
“For the past 16 months, the neighborhoods around our hospital have been the focus of intense media coverage highlighting crime and violence,” said Dr. Sam Ross, CEO of Bon Secours. “Bon Secours would like to shift the focus and conversation to healthy communities and nonviolence.”

Years of formation completed by Sister Stephanie Gabriel Tracy of the Sisters, Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, who professed her first vows at the Villa Maria House of Studies in Immaculata, Pa., Aug. 10. Before entering the order, Sister Stephanie, pictured, lived in Annapolis, where she worked for the Redemptorists of the Baltimore Province and was a parishioner of St. Mary Parish. She earned a bachelor’s degree in journalism from Franciscan University of Steubenville (Ohio) and a master’s degree in journalism from the University of Maryland.
Years the Little Sisters of Poor have held their annual Nun Run. This year’s 5K and 1-mile run or walk was Sept. 10 at the Cathedral of Mary Our Queen in Homeland. St. Ignatius in Hickory had the most registered runners and walkers, earning it the Parish Pride award. Mount de Sales Academy in Catonsville won the Flying Nun award, the equivalent honor for schools.
A team of parishioners from Church of the Ascension in Halethorpe and St. Augustine in Elkridge got the best time, winning the Blisters for Sisters award.
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