By Erik Zygmont and Paul McMullen
A Hispanic community wedding in Anne Arundel County and Archbishop William E. Lori’s participation in the centennial of a Frederick Assembly of fourth-degree Knights of Columbus are among the items in the latest installment of Names and Numbers.

Year Calvert Hall College High School alumnus Dr. Thomas Smyth, pictured, graduated from the all-boys institution in Towson. Smyth will serve as chairman of the school’s board of trustees, replacing Frank Bramble Sr., whose term has concluded. A board member since 2011, Smyth was inducted into the Calvert Hall Alumni Hall of Fame in 2013. In May he was named president and CEO of University of Maryland St. Joseph Medical Center in Towson.

Years in existence for the Bishop McNamara Assembly No. 384, which commemorated its centennial June 4 with a Mass at St. John the Evangelist in Frederick, celebrated by Archbishop William E. Lori, supreme chaplain of the Knights of Columbus. According to Walt Leskuski, the Assembly’s Faithful Navigator, shown pictured with the archbishop, an Assembly consists of men who are Fourth Degree Knights. A light reception at the Sister Margaret Bauer Evangelization Center followed.
Young adults from the Archdiocese of Baltimore – including those pictured – who gathered for an outdoor social at which they collected more than 4,500 items from Pregnancy Center North, a pro-life information and service center in Baltimore. The Baltimore Basilica Young Professionals, Baltimore Frassati Fellowship, ChristLife and young adult groups from St. Ignatius in Baltimore and the Church of the Immaculate Conception in Towson were among the participants.

Cheerleaders from St. John Regional Catholic School’s Wildcats team in Frederick who won first place at U.S. Finals in Virginia Beach the weekend of May 20-22. They competed in the Novice Junior High School Division and received the 2016 gold trophy and champion banner for their school. The cheerleaders and coaches received the “white jackets” that signify their status as champions.

Couples from the Catholic Churches of Glen Burnie married May 28 in a “Boda Comunitaria,” a community wedding, at St. Philip Neri in Linthicum. Pictured, from left, are David R. Delgado Nunez and his wife, Maria; Juan C. Funez and his wife, Jessica; Victor M. Sanchez Dominguez and his wife, Karla; Sandra Lopez and her husband, Isidro; Brianda Sanchez and her husband, Oscar; and Lucero Rios and her husband, Gonzalo. Father Lou Martin, pastor of the Catholic Churches of Glen Burnie, officiated, with Father Jesus Aguirre Guzman and Deacon German E. Flores also participating in the liturgy.
Undergraduate business students at Loyola University Maryland’s Sellinger School of Business and Management who won the CFA Institute’s Global Investment Research Challenge in the Baltimore-Washington region. The Loyola team – consisting of (from left) Daniel Polizzano, Antonio Cartolano, Kathrine Podlovits, Corey Sorrento and Connor Pietrak – researched The Advisory Board Company as part of the competition. They created a financial and market analysis, financial modeling, an investment recommendation and presentation.

Grade of Jude Rideoutt, a student at the Trinity School in Ellicott City who presented an in-costume autobiography of his great-great grandfather, Jimmy Winkfield, for his class’ Famous Americans unit. The youngest of 17 from a family of sharecroppers, Winkfield started horseracing in 1898 for $8 a month. He would go on to become the last African American jockey to win the Kentucky Derby, which he did in back-to-back years, 1901 and 1902.

Distance in miles walked by parishioners of St. Joseph from their Emmitsburg church to the Basilica of the National Shrine of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, also in Emmitsburg. The procession in honor of the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ included Knights of Columbus Bruté Council 1860 of Emmitsburg, local Boy Scouts and Cub Scouts, and the parish’s Legion of Mary members, with assistance from the sheriff’s office and other public safety personnel.