Today I celebrated my 4th annual participation in National Bike to Work Day. In case you aren’t familiar with this awesome day, it occurs every year, on the third Friday in May. May is also National Bike Month.
So, to celebrate Bike to Work Day, “pit stops” were set up around the city and a few places in the counties. This is to encourage you not only to bike to work, but find alternate and commuter options to get to work and your other destinations.
Many times, my commute or travel by bike also includes the subway or the light rail. This allows me to get to so many other places and still get in some exercise (always a good thing).

(Image via Flickr, Kyle Saric)
It’s no coincidence my involvement in Bike to Work Day came shortly after the death of my car four years ago. I found that with my bike and mass transit, I’m a little freer than when I was trapped in my car alone. I’ve seen places I didn’t know existed, been to different parts of the city, and met a host of new and different people on my travels. I really call them adventures.
Biking, walking, sitting on the bus and train give me an opportunity to minister to people, but also to sit and ponder about this world God has created. I’ve developed more patience, charity, and tolerance as a result of my car-free travels. And, as a bonus, I’ve been blessed to see Bike to Work Day grow each year.
When was the last time you got on a bike? Or took a walk with God? Try it and you’ll start to understand the peace that comes with spending time with the Lord.
You can also check out my post from last year’s Bike to Work Day, “Are you spiritually flabby?”

(Bike to Work Day pit stop at McKeldin Square sponsored by Race Pace Bike Shop)