Music Monday: Honoring the canonization of Pope Saint John Paul II with “Aprite le porte a Cristo!” (“Open the Doors to Christ!”)

Open the doors to Christ,
courage! Be not afraid!
Enlarge yours hearts to the love of God,
to the charity of Christ.

Yesterday was such a wonderful day as people from across the globe gathered in Rome or in front of their televisions back home to watch Pope Francis canonize two incredible, much-loved modern popes, John XXIII and John Paul II.

An added bonus, never to be forgotten, was seeing Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI concelebrate this historic liturgy.

Music Monday honors Saint John Paul II:

For today’s music selection to kick off a new week, I’m sharing the Official Hymn from the May 1, 2011 beatification of Pope St. John Paul II.

Composed by Msgr. Marco Frisina, director of the Choir of the Diocese of Rome, the lyrics of “Aprite le porte a Cristo/ Open the Doors to Christ” are drawn directly from the homily of Pope John Paul II given at his Inauguration Mass on October 22, 1978. 

“Aprite le porte a Cristo” (Inno al beato Giovanni Paolo II)

Composed by Marco Frisina

LIVE from his 2011 Beatification:

This 12-minute video brings you the sights and sounds from the May 1, 2011 Beatification Mass:

Hear the applause at the unveiling of the banner of then-Blessed John Paul II, see the crowds gathered as far as the eye can see, observe the presentation of the holy relics (vial of blood) to Pope Benedict XVI, which are then put on display for veneration by the faithful, watch the emotions of the people who rejoiced as the proclamation was read, all while enjoying the singing of “Aprite le porte a Cristo!”

Lyrics (Italian):

Aprite le porte a Cristo!
 Non abbiate paura:
spalancate il vostro cuore
all’Amore di Dio.

Testimone di speranza
 per chi attende la salvezza,
pellegrino per amore
sulle strade del mondo. -Rit.

Vero padre per i giovani
che inviasti per il mondo,
sentinelle del mattino,
 segno vivo di speranza. -Rit.

 Padre di misericordia,
Figlio nostro Redentore,
 Santo Spirito d’Amore,
 a te, Trinità, sia gloria. Amen.


Meet the composer:

Rome Reports went behind the scenes with composer Msgr. Marco Frisina and shares his reflections on the meaning of this hymn to the people who loved then newly-beatified Pope John Paul II. (3 minute video)

Click here to download the musical score

Pray at the tomb of Saint John Paul II:

Taken eight days before the Canonization on Holy Saturday, April 19, 2014 at St. Peter’s Basilica

(Photo by Patti Murphy Dohn)

Click here to join the webcam live at St. Peter’s Basilica

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