Much wrong to capital punishment

I believe that capital punishment (CR, March 17) interferes with God’s will by prematurely stopping the time afforded by God for an individual to come to terms with his or her crime and to seek forgiveness. God alone reserves the right to accomplish his plan or will in any manner he chooses; even if it entails the use of man’s weakness and limited judgment.

Those who argue that a jury and/or judge in today’s times would (hopefully) be filled with the wisdom of the Holy Spirit when they issue a verdict and judgment for capital punishment are sorely mistaken. Man is incapable of making this decision. This decision requires more than a judgment of another man’s actions. It requires knowing the man’s intentions. Only an all-knowing God is capable of doing this, and rightfully, man should not be given the authority and power to take another man’s life for any reason. To allow capital punishment runs contrary to the spirit and teachings of Jesus.

Catholic Review

The Catholic Review is the official publication of the Archdiocese of Baltimore.

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