On May 1, The Eternal Word Television Network (EWTN) began airing its second season of “Catholicism on Campus,” a weekly show hosted by Monsignor Stuart Swetland, vice president of Catholic identity at Mount St. Mary’s University, Emmitsburg.
This season’s 13-episode show was filmed on campus and focuses on the seminary, faculty and staff.
“Our seminarians will discuss life here at the Mount, their faith and priestly formation,” said Monsignor Swetland. “They will offer personal witness on how they chose a life dedicated to serving God. We will also concentrate on issues the church is facing on a national and global level, and how the seminarians are preparing for that challenge.”
EWTN is the largest religious media network, transmitting 24-hour programming across 140 countries with a mission to communicate the teachings of the Catholic Church. Viewers can tune in to Monsignor Swetland’s show 10 p.m. Thursdays.