Mother Seton students learn about law enforcement

Three deputies from the Sheriff’s Department of Frederick County spoke to eighth graders at Mother Seton School, Emmitsburg, about careers in law enforcement. Demonstrations included a tactical vest, an 82-pound K-9 dog named Bayco, and a taser device (stun gun). Discussions included S.W.A.T. officers, handling hostage situations and escorting President George W. Bush to Camp David.

Students Sean Reaver and Carolyn Slife had the opportunity to try on the tactical vest. Two other students raised their hands when an officer asked, “Who wants to be one of us?”

While educating students about the job of Bayco the K-9, a 4-year-old German shepherd imported from Belgium, one deputy stressed the value of the dog’s nose. The animal is able to sniff bombs, bodies, and drugs and can clear a building faster and safer than a human. The deputy hid fake cocaine in the school’s science lab before the dog entered. In less than a minute of scent work, Bayco identified the locations and received a reward.

Catholic Review

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