Moment of decision


This will be one of the most consequential elections of our times. It will present us with issues with the economy, the deficit, health care, our role in the world and social concerns that affect us as Americans and as Catholics.

Issues that we as Catholics consider foundations of our faith include: the protection of life, the sanctity of marriage between a man and a woman, and our right to conscience. In this election, not only do we have the responsibility of electing the president, but also an official who will represent our state in the U.S. Senate. We have a choice in Dan Bongino and Ben Cardin. These two candidates have very opposing views on the issues that we as Americans and as Catholics deem to be important to our country and to our church. Become informed as to what these two candidates support. One of these men will represent you in the Senate and will be instrumental in passing legislation that will affect all of us, legislation possibly forcing “fundamental change” in our lives as Americans and as Catholics.


Paula Bianca Gentile



Editor’s note: The Maryland Senate race also includes Rob Sobhani, an independent candidate.

Catholic Review

The Catholic Review is the official publication of the Archdiocese of Baltimore.

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