The young church has its leader.
D. Scott Miller, who served as interim director of the Division of Youth and Young Adult Ministry during the last year, will permanently have the role starting Sept. 1.
Paulist Father John E. Hurley, the executive director of the Archdiocese of Baltimore’s Department of Evangelization, announced the appointment, saying: “Scott has great experience and background in youth ministry and has demonstrated his leadership effectively throughout the archdiocese. I am grateful for his willingness to take on additional responsibilities in the Evangelization department and division.”
Father Hurley added that Miller welcomed the challenges and opportunities of keeping the church focused on youths and young adults and the gifts they bring to the church.
Miller has served as the archdiocese’s coordinator for adolescent faith formation since 2005. He now replaces longtime director Mark Pacione, who has served as associate executive director in the Office of Schools Planning for the archdiocese since the summer of 2009.
Miller has spearheaded several major projects inside the archdiocese, revising the High School Leadership Institute, the Bishop’s Summits on Vocations and the Sacrament of Confirmation. He co-wrote resources like Created to Love, Building a Culture of Life with Middle and High School Students and Technology Procedural Recommendations.
Miller also maintains a popular daily blog called
He’s a father of three and earned a master’s degree in religious education from Felician College in Lodi, NJ, and a bachelor’s degree in religious studies from Mount Mercy College in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.
During his 30 years in youth ministry, he has worked on parish and diocesan levels and served on the staff of the National Federation for Catholic Ministry.
“As youth ministry keeps evolving in our church, it is an honor to be able to continue to grow alongside the many gifted people who serve the young church,” Miller said.
Georgina Vaca, coordinator for the archdiocese’s office of Hispanic young adult and youth ministry, said Miller “brings a cutting edge vision to ministry that is extensive and relevant. I believe he has the energy, creativity and credibility to lead us in evangelizing the young church of Baltimore in new and exciting ways.”
Margaret Brogden, the coordinator for youth ministry formation, said the new director “has the experience, education and creativity needed to guide the work of our division. I have always admired his zeal for ministry and his dedication to our God and church.”