Lost audio found: Archbishop Dolan on being a good church missionary

As a reporter for Baltimore’s Catholic Review last month, I traveled to Madrid for World Youth Day and was able to get several recordings of catechesis talks delivered by Archbishop Timothy Dolan. So, each night I would return to my hotel and upload the audio. The files have proven to be some of the most popular entries in this blog’s history. There was one problem. I forgot to enter one and it’s one of the most powerful talks he delivered. And then I got distracted with a whole bunch of stuff and the file was forgotten. As I went through my recordings today, I re-discovered it and, most importantly, its resonance. It’s Archbishop Dolan teaching how to be a good missionary for the church to several thousand English-speaking young people during one August morning, likely Aug. 18 if I’m remembering correctly. It’s long, but hang with it. Or, listen to it in installments. It is funny, powerful and worth it. Trust me.

Catholic Review

The Catholic Review is the official publication of the Archdiocese of Baltimore.

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