Lenten Campaign to Promote Sacrament of Reconciliation Returns for 4th Year

Cardinal-designate Edwin F. O’Brien, Apostolic Administrator of Baltimore, announced today that the initiative to promote the sacrament of Reconciliation or Penance called, “The Light is on for You,” will return for a fourth consecutive year in 2012.

The campaign, first initiated in the Archdiocese of Washington several years ago, uses a multi-media marketing campaign to encourage Catholics in the Archdiocese of Baltimore to reconnect with the sacrament during the 40-day period of prayer and repentance that begins on February 22, Ash Wednesday.

Each parish in the Archdiocese will set the days and times to offer confessions. The Archdiocese will maintain a list on its website (www.archbalt.org) of each parish’s confession schedule.

For more information about “The Light is on for You,” contact a parish near you. Visit www.archbalt.org for a listing of parishes and for more information about the program.

Sean Caine

Sean Caine is Vice Chancellor and Executive Director of Communications

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