Jesus on the boardwalk


As school quickly approaches, my time working at the beach has drawn to a close. Before I left, I decided to take a trip to the boardwalk with my camera. My goal was to try and find pictures relating to the topic of “Jesus on the boardwalk.” When I set out to take pictures for fun I like to set a goal or choose a topic to center my images around and this topic seemed open but challenging.

After about a five minute walk from the start of the boardwalk I stumbled upon some sand sculptures. The sculptures fit, near perfectly, the topic of “Jesus on the boardwalk;” after all, they weren’t on the boardwalk, but about 15 feet away. After a little bit of research it appears that the sculptures are crafted by Catholic-raised Randy Hofman.

Catholic Review

The Catholic Review is the official publication of the Archdiocese of Baltimore.

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