In Reflection, Beauty of Holy Week Comes Alive

Often times life’s biggest events are not truly understood or appreciated until we have the opportunity to look back and reflect.

Holy Week is an example. During this most sacred time of our liturgical year, there is the busyness of preparation, along with the logistics of planning and rehearsals for our high masses. Then, there is the explosion of noise, movements and people scurrying about over four days. All of this can leave me feeling as though when Easter Sunday finally comes and goes, I’ve been through the eye of a hurricane – twisted, turned and flung about, finally landing confused and dazed, wondering what happened.

You, too? I find this especially true the last two years, since I became a deacon.

Now that it is Easter Sunday evening, my weary and sleep-deprived body has a chance to decompress. In relaxing, I now have the opportunity to reflect on the wonder and beauty of the last 72 hours, starting with Good Friday. It was such a blessing for me to serve the Church in my apostolate as deacon during the Good Friday, Easter Vigil and Easter Sunday celebrations at Our Lady of the Fields. The liturgies were marked with awe and beauty – even during the starkness of Good Friday, with a barren sanctuary, empty tabernacle and stripped altar. On Holy Saturday, the Easter Vigil was a symphony of darkness, candlelight, incense, singing, a new paschal candle shining brightly and most importantly, catechumens and candidates being welcomed into the Church, approaching the table of our Lord to receive Eucharist for the first time! Finally, Easter Sunday…HE IS RISEN!

When I reflect upon Holy Week 2013, one thought continually comes to mind – what a blessing it is to be Catholic! To share our faith with so many who truly love our Lord and who desperately seek his love and mercy is a humbling experience. Now, we have a season of Easter leading up to Pentecost where we can continue to reflect upon the resurrection of our Lord and the gift of salvation that it offers to us as believers of Jesus Christ as the Son of God.

Now that Easter Sunday has come and gone, I encourage you to take some time to quietly reflect upon this Holy Week. Allow the wonders, mysteries and miracles that so poignantly and beautifully define our faith and beliefs to come alive again in your minds and hearts.

Peace to you this Easter season!

Catholic Review

The Catholic Review is the official publication of the Archdiocese of Baltimore.

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