Submit a prayer request or email
The Archdiocesan Prayer Line is designed to be a place for you to request and receive the gift of intercessory prayer. Our prayer ministry will lift your needs before our God remembering the words of Jesus: “And I tell you, ask and you will receive; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks, receives; and the one who seeks, finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened” (Luke 11:9-10).
While prayers are made in our time but answered in God’s, there are countless testimonials to the power of prayer and of God’s love for us. However, the greatest power in our prayer comes in the unity it creates in the body of Christ, His Church. The hearts of total strangers are knitted together in the bonds of care and concern for each other. Your pain becomes the pain of your sisters and brothers in faith, including those who are part of the Archdiocesan Prayer Ministry. We desire to “stand in the breach or stand in the gap” for you. (Psalm 106 recounts the journey of God’s chosen people to the Promised Land and how Moses stood in the breach for God’s people.) Each person praying for your request becomes a stepping stone through a perilous time in your life.
The Scriptures are filled with stories of prayer in many different situations:
There are times when the answer to our prayers is not the answer we envisioned. That is where the power of intercessory prayer finds its greatest strength. Those who have cared for and prayed for your needs become those who carry you through your doubts, anger and sadness. The power of intercessory prayer brings comfort and peace to your life.
Join the Archdiocesan Prayer Ministry
Would you like to be part of the Prayer Ministry? Send us an email at
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