How to make resurrection eggs

Resurrection eggs tell the story of Jesus’ life from Palm Sunday to Easter and give children the opportunity to visualize the story of the Passion and Resurrection.

“In doing so, it helps them understand what Jesus did for us,” said Pat Allshouse, associate for faith formation at the Catholic Community of St. Francis Xavier, Hunt Valley. “Families bring these out year after year. Some hold a family Easter egg hunt then gather to open the eggs and tell the story.”

This craft and activity works well for children as young as 3 or 4 and up to elementary age.

“Even an older child can host a hunt for younger siblings,” she said. “The idea is to take common items to fill the eggs – things that represent what Jesus endured and remind us of our connectedness to his passion, death and resurrection.”

Instructions on how to make resurrection eggs:


Catholic Review

The Catholic Review is the official publication of the Archdiocese of Baltimore.

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