How Do I Join a Catholic Church?

Finding the right parish as a Catholic is often difficult, but it can be among the most rewarding journeys in your faith.
Make sure you know which diocese you live in or are moving to because the local diocese website will be a major help. Each diocesan site should have a list of parishes in your town or towns close to you.
Go and visit the parishes for a Mass. Grab a bulletin so you can become aware of all that it offers. Pick a community gathering or a school function so that you can see the parish in action. Talk to members to understand why they worship where they do and what they enjoy about it.

Look for the parish’s website on the bulletin to get even more information. Once you’ve decided on the right parish for you and your family, there might be a registration opportunity on the parish website. For example, look at or You can always drop by the parish office during the week to sign up as a member. Many parishes will offer welcome packets with information all about the parish’s many ministries, services and spiritual offerings.
Remember to become involved in your parish so that you can share your talents with others. Doing so will help you and your fellow parishioners grow in faith.

Catholic Review

The Catholic Review is the official publication of the Archdiocese of Baltimore.

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