$1.5 million
“Messina is something that is innovative in helping to engage students and connect them with the Jesuit spirit,” said Mark Baiada, founder of BAYADA Home Health Care, who with his wife, Ann, provided one of the key gifts.
“Most problems you face when running a business are outside of the box, and liberal arts courses teach you to think outside of the box,” said Kollman, who ran the Baltimore-based John D. Lucas Printing Company from 1991 until his 2005 retirement.


Sister Patricia has been recognized nationally for her leadership in creating alignment between sponsorship and governance. She served as chairperson of the Catholic Health Association, and in 2007, received the Sister Mary Concilia Moran Award from the association. In 2011, she received the papal award, Cross Pro Ecclesia et Ponifice medal.

A member of the Department of Neural and Pain Sciences at the University of Maryland, Myslinski works to show that neuroscience can be applied to all of our daily lives. Through his many writings and teachings, summer research programs, programs in brain art and literature and his International Youth Neuroscience Association, he inspires students worldwide.


“Each day I encounter many women who beautifully embrace the serious illnesses afflicting them,” she said. “Here at Mercy, I have come full circle. The journey has been most exciting, extremely challenging, spiritually challenging and all too brief.”

Girls wore candle wreaths and boys tilmas covered with roses, and each child spoke to the assembly of second-grade parents and friends about St. Lucy and St. Juan Diego.