Hiroshima photo caption didn’t tell whole story

I was disappointed with the photo of a little girl (CR, Aug. 13) getting ready to release a paper lantern in Hiroshima, Japan. The caption said she was doing this in remembrance of the anniversary of the world’s first atomic bombing and that more than 75,000 people were killed when the United States dropped the bomb near the end of World War II. I, and many others, were shocked that you failed to mention that this memorial was due to the fact that Japan administered a sneak attack on Pearl Harbor that sunk many American ships and killed so many of our U.S. military and civilians. You owe it to the citizens of these United States and to the military who lost their lives defending our great country – and to their parents and families – to print that picture again, only this time with all the pertinent information.

Catholic Review

The Catholic Review is the official publication of the Archdiocese of Baltimore.

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