David Cramer (CR, Sept. 10) took issue with the suggestion that health care Reform might be compromised just because of the abortion issue. He felt it was a “justice” issue. I can’t agree more. Right now there is no justice for pre-born children, and until the Catholic hierarchy, pastors and voters insist on giving this justice to the pre-born by holding Catholic legislators’ feet to the fire, health care and every other endeavor undertaken by our increasingly morally bereft country will suffer.
Perhaps those who aspire to hold office would get the message. For the most part, Republicans already have. The only thing that keeps Democrats from getting it is that Catholic voters and legislators “compromise” on the issue. We hear that they are “personally” against it, but go along with abortion in order for the greater good. Immoral means to a desirable end will never work. All the posturing, mental anguish and rationalization over the issue just won’t buy it in this life or the next.