Greetings from Honduras

On May 18, 14 John Carroll seniors left for a week-long mission trip to Roatan, Honduras. While there, they volunteered at a children’s home, clinic and school operated by Sandy Bay Lighthouse Ministries.

The following guest commentary is from John Carroll teacher Jake Hollin, who led the trip with his wife, Amy.
Well we are here and it all seems a bit surreal. We plan and pray, and on day one we all woke up to see 20 of the most beautiful children in the world staring in our window asking, “?Juegas el futbol?” Of course we play
football! And before you know it our JC students, Matt, Scott, and Garrett are down on the dusty, rocky field trying to keep up with 10- year-olds. 
Rebecca has Hannah playing with her hair, Jordan and Megan are swarmed with about four girls climbing all over them.
Welcome to the Sandy Bay Children’s Home!
We flew in safely on Saturday and were warmly greeted by Orsy, the host father for all the children. Orsy and his wife Banessa are two of the most talented and kindest people we have ever met.
Our 14 John Carroll students have all been falling in love with the 20+ orphans in less than 24 hours.
So far so good here on the island. We’ve already played lots of soccer and gone to a two-and-a-half-hour church service and have been swimming in the most beautiful water ever.
To read posts from throughout the week, including feedback from students, click here.
Here are some of the students’ favorite aspects of the trip:
By Garrett Porte
Best moment so far playing with the kids in the water, it was cool actually just playing with them and being on this beautiful beach. I was surprised with how comfortable they were with us right away and how they just wanted to be loved
By Scott Strappelli
Best moment so far the passion is witnessed at the church we visited. It was just awesome how much they were excited to be worshipping God. I loved how they welcomed us, it made me feel like we are all part of God’s family.
By Matt Ryan
Best moment so far playing soccer with the kids. Even though Garrett wrecked me (I guess he didn’t understand it wasn’t American football). But it was a lot of fun. They loved all the games we brought (frisbees, whiffle balls and bats and of course a bunch of soccer balls.) They are crazy good at soccer.
By Brian Cadden
Best moment so far is when I was reading books with the kids. This girl named Destiny and another little girl named Diana were reading with me and it was nice to be able to help them

By Leanne Ches
Best moment so far was when we were helping at the clinic. We sorted medicine and took care of some of the little ones. One of the little girls at the clinic came up to me and just gave me a hug and said I love you.
By Meghan Thompson
Best moment so far was when Gaby drew a picture of me with her. It was so special. (she spelled my name really wrong but hey that’s okay). But honestly I just love all the kids.
By Rebecca Driver
Best moment so far for me was playing with the orphans at the beach. They were so much fun, laughing and giggling.
 May 28, 2013

Catholic Review

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