More than a year ago I discovered a Catholic infertility group on Facebook. I joined it and quickly realized it was a special community of people who are on many different journeys, but united in hope and prayer. I have met so many wonderful people through the group, though I have to admit that I have yet to meet any of them in person.
One of the people I met through the group blogs at Conceiving Hope. Every month Conceiving Hope features someone who has been chosen to receive prayers for that month.
This evening I was surprised to learn that I had been selected as the recipient of the prayers for November. I am so touched, humbled, and, of course, deeply grateful. I don’t know why I have been selected, but I’m going to trust that the Holy Spirit knows better than I do why my family and I might need prayers this month.

For those who might be visiting for the first time through “Adopt-a-Blogger,” here is a little information about me: My husband, John, and I have been married for 11 years. When God didn’t send us children by birth, we began our adoption journey, which has led us twice to China, once in 2009, and again in 2011. We are extraordinarily blessed to be parents to two magnificent sons, both adopted as toddlers. Our older son will turn 8 this month, and our younger son will turn 6 in December. (And yes, they are really brothers.)
Here are a few pieces I have written on infertility:
And here are two about adoption:
I’m so very honored to be the “Adopt-a-Blogger” this month and so humbled to have people praying for me and my family.
If you think of it, please join me in praying for others who are experiencing infertility. It is such a difficult road and often a lonely one.